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MGM Outreaches

Morning Glory Ministry advocates for the used and abused. We walk in the gifts of the Holy Spirit as we go forth into the darkest of places, shining the Light of Jesus. We're a strip club evangelism team, as well as offering inner healing and deliverance prayer sessions in person and online, for those seeking freedom through Christ. 


Kelsey engages in high-level spiritual warfare, having been radically delivered from a past of drug addictions, sex work, witchcraft and New Age practices, along with a lifetime of abuse. Morning Glory Ministry was birthed through the word of her testimony. She carries the glory of God, with the assurance that weeping may endure for the night, but joy always come in the morning! 

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About MGM

Morning Glory Ministry advocates for the used and abused. We walk in the gifts of the Holy Spirit as we go forth into the darkest of places, shining the Light of Jesus. We're a strip club evangelism team. We're land intercessors. And we offer breakthrough inner healing and deliverance sessions in person and online, for those seeking freedom through Christ. 


Founder, Kelsey Decker, engages in high-level spiritual warfare, having been radically delivered from a past of drug addictions, sex work, witchcraft, and New Age practices, along with a lifetime of abuse. Morning Glory Ministries was birthed through the word of her testimony. She carries the glory of God, with the assurance that weeping may endure for the night, but joy always comes in the morning (Psalm 30:5)! 

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Strip Clubs & Brothels

Every month, MGM takes food and gifts to women in strip clubs and brothels. Brothels, aka, illicit massage parlors, are hidden in plain sight and where buyers go to purchase sex acts. 


When we enter either the strip clubs or massage parlors, many of the women haven’t eaten for days and are so grateful for the food. And they are surprised to receive such lovely gifts.


The food and gifts open the doors and soften their hearts to receive Jesus. We develop relationships with these women and offer hope and a way out.

Truck Car Park

Truck Stops

Trucks stops and gas stations are known for being locations of human trafficking and prostitution. Our MGM team does prayer walks around well-known truck stops and approaches women we see in precarious positions offering help and hope. 

Intercessory Prayer

The prayer and intercession team commits to at least two hours a week in prayer for MGM. They lift up the outreaches. The intercessors and team members partner together to prepare the way and go to war. 

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